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Rockies Price and Fundamentals
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Rockies Price and Fundamentals

Commodity Markets / Oil & Gas

Manage Your Oil & Gas Commodity Price Exposures


Price fluctuations in volatile oil & gas markets directly affect your cash flow–these can be managed through physical commercial strategies and financial hedges.

Common hedgeable oil & gas products: Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Ethane, Propane, Butane, Isobutane, and Pentane. 

Oil & Gas Business Profit Protection through Financial Hedging and Physical Profit

Helping producers, consumers, manufacturers, and
investors protect their cash flow and returns.

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Oil & Gas Physical Marketing

Get revenue visibility by well, ensure revenues match contracts, and leverage experienced resources to get the best price for your molecules.

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Execute your hedge strategy with software and protect your oil and gas profits

Your energy risk management approach is working. Our Saas software makes it (and your life) a lot easier. 

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From market insights to hedge strategy, our market research team and in-house traders are there to enhance decision-making and support your operations with deep expertise.

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Research team and in house traders to execute your trades efficiently

Action-Oriented Market Insights

Expertise When it Matters

Actionable insights and analysis in the oil and natural gas, metals, and fuels markets; delivered directly to your inbox for free.  

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